TIPINS Project Types

Project Type


Addition of Lanes
Widening of an existing roadway by increasing the number of lanes to add additional roadway capacity
Alternative Fuels
Provisions of alternative fuel systems on existing or new vehicles
The construction or modification of a facility designed to accommodate bicycle or pedestrian travel for commuting purposes
Bottleneck Removal
Spot improvements to existing roadway designed to enhance traffic flow
Bus Transit
Passenger service provided to the general public along established bus routes
Non-traditional transportation-related activities or projects, including landscaping of transportation facilities, preservation of abandoned rail corridors, and rehabilitation of historic transportation structures, among others
Grade Separation
Modification to an intersection by separating the cross street movement
Construction or modification of roadway lanes for the exclusive use of high-occupancy vehicles
Grade-separated intersection on a limited access freeway
Intersection Improvement
Improvement to arterial intersections, including turn lanes, striping, and signage
Intelligent transportation systems refers to the range of technologies designed to increase the effectiveness of our surface transportation system and are based on advanced computer and telecommunications technologies
New Roadway
Construction of a new arterial or freeway
Park & Ride / Rail Station
A park & ride is a transit, carpool, and vanpool parking area where people can park their cars and then ride transit or meet carpools or vanpools; a rail station is a mode transfer facility serving rail transit and other modes such as automobiles and pedestrians
Rail Transit
Passenger service provided to the general public along established rail routes with fixed schedules
Traffic Signal Improvement
Improvements to traffic signals, including signal timing, hardware upgrade, and equipment replacement
Travel Demand Management
Travel demand management is a strategy to reduce the demand for drive-alone travel or peak-period travel